I know there are already a few similar threads on removing the bumper, but one more won't hurt.

I needed to replace my fog light bulbs, and I wanted to do a bit of tidying up as well as install my siren behind the bumper, so I thought I would make a DIY guide as I went along. I took photos of most of the install, however I couldn't get good photos of removing the panels underneath, but it's pretty straight forward on how to do that, and that should be done first.

*Note* All the Camry models have the plastic splash shield below the engine bay, that needs to be removed prior to removing the bumper. However I removed mine earlier as it was damaged during the winter, which is why you can't see it.

Now, before you start make note of how everything is setup, so you will have a good idea on how it should be put back together. There are 3 screws and several clips that need to be removed from the engine bay area.

Now remove the clips by pushing down in the middle, and remove the three screws that are holding the top of the bumper together.

Now theres a screw hidden behind the wheel well, however before getting to that you need to remove the plastic shield from beneath the car (If you haven't already done so). Then you need to pry back on the wheel well shield until the plastic is removed like so:

The next step is to remove the screw/bolt from behind the wheel well:

Once the screws are removed, you can pry back carefully until it becomes unhooked from the clips like so:

Now you should be able to lift up on the bumper and pull it off:

Now the bumper should be off and there shouldnt be anything connected to it unless you have fog lights installed:

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Submitted by xxx@******.com

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Article submitted on 31 Mar 2010
Last modified on 31 Mar 2010
Viewed 5941 times

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