Locating and Repairing Fuel Leaks:
If the smell of fuel comes from the air vents it's probablyoriginating from the fuel damper, fuel pressure regulator or loose interconnectinghoses. Other parts could be at fault such as the fuel filter connectionsor fuel injectors.


This is a combination of my experience and what I've read from the servicemanual. I am not a mechanic, don't come running to me if your 300 turnsinto a barbecue. Observe all standard safety practices for dealing withgasoline (flammable) in this type of environment.


Fuel smells will usually start during colder weather, since the partscontract even more in the cold air during a thermal cycle. Hose clampsoften work loose. When a fuel smell is noticed inside the car, examineit ASAP, there is an EXTREME DANGER of a carfire starting. This is no way to loose a perfectly good car.


I ordered the hoses from Courtesy Nissan. To replace all the connectingrubber hoses to/from the damper and regulator you will need about 12 inchesof fuel line, I ordered 15. Check exact amounts before you order. (alwaysre-check the part numbers, I'm a UK driver!)

1. Fuel regulator assembly (part 2267010Y00, approx. $50)
2. Fuel damper assembly (part 2267510Y00, approx. $50)
3. High pressure fuel hose 15 inches (part 8959080, approx. $15)
4. Protected fuel hose (part 1644030P11, approx. $40)

The fuel pressure regulator (1.) keeps the pressure in the fuelsystem (including the fuel tank) at 43.4psi., so the cylinders can getenough fuel when throttle is applied. It takes some of the pressure builtup in the manifold to increase the fuel pressure.

The fuel damper (2.) fits between the fuel filter and injectors.It reduces the pulsation caused by the fuel pump, which is back in thefuel tank.


1. Check the fuel hose clamps from the devices indicated in the pictures,making sure they are tight.

2. Look for visual signs of discoloration around the fuel damper andregulator on the hoses.

3. Try putting just a little talcum powder around the hose whereit connects to the devices. Check after starting from cold and warmingthe car up to see if it looks damp. If so, that's the faulty part.

4. If a part is found or suspected to be faulty, replace the connectinghoses as well.

5. The 'protected' fuel hose (2.) exiting the fuel damper (tothe right) is a special part, it doesn't come from a roll of hose.


1. Always use Nissan 300zx high-pressure fuel hose, anything else couldbe very dangerous.

2. Always relieve the fuel pressure when working with these parts. Theprocedure is illustrated on www.TTZD.com. 

3. Always expect some fuel to spurt out when you disconnect a part,even after relieving fuel pressure.




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Article submitted on 1 May 2010
Last modified on 4 May 2010
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