Brake Caliper Seal Replacement:
After serious use, the seals onthe brake caliper pistons will wear our & start to leak. Rebuilding is fairlysimple and much cheaper then replacing the entire caliper. I rebuilt theseals in my Skyline calipers but the kit is the same as the 300ZX's. Infact the pistons are also the same size, it's just the size of the rotorsmaking the difference in braking performance.


When any wheel start looking like this (1.).

Special Tools:

Air compressor w/ blow gun attachment
Supply of wood pieces
Brake cleaner


1. Take off the wheels and remove the calipers using theBrakerotor replacement page.

2. Once the caliper is off the car, disassemble the brake pad hardwarecompletely. Spray down the caliper and clean it off as much as possiblewith brake cleaner and a stiff brush (2.). Use a C-clamp to squeezethe pistons back into the caliper and to squeeze out the excess brake fluid.

3. Use a small screwdriver to remove the dust boot ring from aroundthe piston (3.).

4. Take a piece of wood approximately 2" to 2.5" thick and place itbetween two of the pistons to hold them in place (4.). Then usea slim piece of wood and place it between the other two pistons to preventthem from hitting eachother when you push them out with the air gun (5.).

WARNING: Wear safety goggles because brake fluid will probablysplatter and using air pressure on the pistons can cause them tobe projectiles. Watch your hands when pushing out the pistons to make surethey are out of harm's way.

5. Place the air gun nozzle into the brake line inlet. (6.) Tapthe air gun trigger until the piston pops out. (7.) If a pressureregulator is on the compressor, drop it down to 20PSI and work up to higherpressure as required. Again, be careful when pushing out the pistons becausethey can come out with some force behind it.

6. Once the piston is out, remove the old rubber dust cover from itand clean it with some brake cleaner (8.). Grease the new one withthe grease provided in the seal rebuild kit and wrap it around the piston.Make sure to put the boot the correct side up. The boot will need to coverthe ring around the caliper as it was when removed.

7. Use a small screwdriver and carefully pry out the rubber o-ring insidethe caliper (9.). Be extremely careful not to scratch the cylinderwalls! Clean out any excess debris inside the caliper with brake cleaner.Use more grease to lubricate the new rubber o-ring then install it intothe caliper.

8. Place the piston with the new dust boot into the caliper and slowlypress it back in place. Make sure the piston is properly aligned or itwill not go back into the caliper (10.).

9. Wrap the boot on the ring around the caliper (11.) and usethe metal o-ring provided with the rebuild kit to clamp the boot in place.(12.)

10. Repeat steps 3-9 until all 8 pistons are rebuilt (12 if you aredoing the rears as well).

Nothing to it and no more brake fluid leaks! Reassemble everything inreverse order and bleedthe brakes.

Published 11-15-00













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Article submitted on 1 May 2010
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