AutoClimate Control Diagnostics:
The auto climate control has anon-board self diagnostic to solve control problems. One of the more complexsubsystems in the Z32 is the climate control. The on-board diagnosticsactually allows full readout of it's data and adjustments to how it functionsbesides just returning error codes. This is worked out from the '95 manual.'90 Climate Control is slightly different.

To enter a diagnostic mode:

1. With the ignition switch turned ON, Press AUTO and OFF simultaneouslyfor 5 seconds (step 2 in 1.). This will activate the Monitor DiagnosisMode (step 3 in 1.)

2. Pressing AUTO again will switch to the Actuator Test Mode (step 4in 1.).

3. Pressing AUTO again will switch to the Upper and Lower TemperatureDifference Adjustment Mode (step 5 in 1.).

4. Pressing AUTO again will switch to a readout of  Trouble Codes(step 6 in 1.).

5. Pressing AUTO again loops back to Monitor Diagnosis Mode (step 3in 1.).


Monitor Diagnosis Mode:

The control unit will display temperature data in this mode. The stepmonitor will have the right single dash lit (step 3 in 1.). Temperaturedata is returned in the display's 'Set' digits.

Use the Mode switch and the Fan switch to toggle through the menu items.

Def icon onlyAmbient temperatureºC(ºF)
Upper vent icon onlyUpper cabin temperatureºC(ºF)
Lower vent icon onlyLower cabin temperatureºC(ºF)
0 Fan & Def iconDEFROST outlet air temperatureºC(ºF)
0 Fan & Upper vent iconVENT outlet air temperatureºC(ºF)
0 Fan & Lower vent iconFOOT outlet air temperatureºC(ºF)
1/4 Fan & Def iconSunload*1
1/4 Fan & Upper vent iconwater temperature *3ºC(ºF)
1/4 Fan & Lower vent iconMode door voltage *4*2
1/2 Fan & Def iconN/A
1/2 Fan & Upper vent iconN/A
1/2 Fan & Lower vent iconN/A
3/4 Fan & Def iconN/A
3/4 Fan & Upper vent iconN/A
3/4 Fan & Lower vent iconN/A
Full fan & Upper vent iconDifference in upper & lower temperaturesºC(ºF)
Full fan & Lower vent iconN/A

*1: One tenth of the value in kcal/h*m² unit
*2: Ten times the value in V
*3: When coolant temp. is below 40ºC(104ºF), indicates 20ºC(68ºF). When coolant temp. is above 40ºC(104ºF), indicates80ºC (176ºF)
*4 Mode door voltage: 0 = VENT, 5 = DEFROST

Actuator Test Mode:

The climate controller will force actuators to work in this mode. Thestep monitor should be the right two dashes lit (step 4 in 1.).The 'Set' digits in the display are the Mode door voltage, 0 = VENT, 5= DEFROST. I'm not really sure what mine means with a 49 listed. Mode and fan speed can be set independently. When the upper and lower venticon appears, a stabilized outlet temperature 30ºC(86ºF) is reachedafter the air mix door has be working for about a minute.

Use the Mode switch to toggle through the menu items.



Defrost iconDefrost and lower vent iconUpper and lower vent iconUpper vent icon
Mode doorDEFDEF/LowerB/LVENT
Intake doorFREFRE50% FREREC
Air mix doorFull hotFull hot30ºC(86ºF)Full cold
operating condition of the actuators cannot be checked by indicators alone.

Use the Fan switch to toggle through the menu items.


Blower Motor

1/4 Fan1/2 Fan3/4 FanFull fan

Upper and Lower Temperature Difference Mode:

Adjustments can be made to the difference in upper and lower targettemperatures in this mode. The step monitor should be 3 dashes (step 5in 1.). The 'Set' digits in the display will show how much of adifference by 'data' numbers in relation to temperature difference.

Using the Fan and Mode switches to raise or lower the data number:

ºC spec.Data-20to-101to20
ºC spec.Difference between upper and lower target temperatures-2.0ºCto-0.1ºC00.1ºCto2.0ºC
ºF spec.Data-36to-202to36
ºF spec.Difference between upper and lower target temperatures-3.6ºFto-0.2ºF00.2ºFto3.6ºF
The programmed differences are stored until changed again, or the batteryis disconnected.

Trouble Codes:

The auto climate control stores error codes for later retrieval. Thestep monitor should be 2 dashes with a space in-between (step 6 in 1.).The 'Set' digits will show the number of ignition ON/OFF cycles since theproblem was last detected. A dash '-' in the step monitor to the far leftindicates a short circuit. A '|' hash in the step monitor on the left indicatesan open circuit.

Use the Fan and Mode switches to raise or lower the code to change thedesired data or status reading returned.

CodeSensorOpen circuitShort circuit
Defrost iconAmbient sensorLess than -70ºC(94ºF)Greater than 141ºC(286ºF)
Upper vent iconCabin upper sensorLess than -38ºC(-36ºF)Greater than 141ºC(286ºF)
Lower vent iconCabin lower sensorLess than -38ºC(-36ºF)Greater than 141ºC(286ºF)
0 Fan & Def/lower vent icon*1DEF duct sensorLess than -38ºC(-36ºF)Greater than 141ºC(286ºF)
0 Fan & Upper vent icon VENT duct sensorLess than -38ºC(-36ºF)Greater than 141ºC(286ºF)
0 Fan & Upper/lower vent icon*2Lower duct sensorLess than -38ºC(-36ºF)Greater than 141ºC(286ºF)
1/4 Fan and Def iconSunload sensorOpen circuit can not be detected w/ self diagnosticGreater than 1.784kW (1,534kcal/h, 6,087BTU/h)/m²
[0.1657kW (142.51 kcal/h, 565.5 BTU/h)/sq ft.]
*1 One chart in the service manual shows 0 fan with Def/lower vent icon,while another shows 0 fan with Def icon alone.
*2 One chart in the service manual shows 0 fan with Upper/lower venticon, while another shows 0 fan with Lower icon alone.

Originally posted: 3-5-00

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Article submitted on 1 May 2010
Last modified on 4 May 2010
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