Cargo Cover Repair:
Heat and excessive use of the cargo covercan yield to a split cargo cover where the handle is. The cargo coveris not inexpensive to replace. The repair method described is a longlasting, cheap, and effective fix.

Black Silicon RTV (100% silicon)
Approximately 25-30 standard clothes pins
Paper Towels

Parts needed:

Estimated Time Required:
Approximately 1 hour of labor

1. Pull out a length of the cargo cover, and set a large and heavyobject such as a book. Shown, I used another cargo cover that I hadrepaired earlier (1.).

2. Peel back all the cover material from the rod. Remove theexcess glue from the rod and cover material. I found it best to use myfinger and fingernails to remove it. It should be easiest to remove theexcess glue when cold (2.). This is the most time consuming part of this repair.

3. Apply liberal amounts of the RTV silicone to the rod, and both flaps of the cover material.

4. Starting from the center, Carefully assemble the two flaps ofthe cover over the rod. Using a clothespin, clamp the cargo coversflaps but not the rod. Do the ends, and start filling in the center ofthe gaps until the cover is full of clothespins (3.). Take carein cleaning any excess RTV that comes out using the paper towels. Thereis a risk of making a tremendous mess and ruining the repair if thisstep is not done properly.

5. Let the RTV silicone set at least overnight. Remove the clothes pins and clean any excess RTV with a sharp razor blade.

Originally published 01-15-2003




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Article submitted on 1 May 2010
Last modified on 3 May 2010
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