You'll need:
10mm wrench
12mm wrench
14mm wrench

1)   Disconnect the Battery (Highly Recommended)

2)   Remove the Output Wire (10mm) and disconnect the Electrical Connector

3)   Loosen and remove the Pivoting Bolt (14mm)

4)   Loosen the Pivot Locking Bolt (12mm?)

5)   Now to release the tension on the alternator belt, loosen/remove the Pivot Adjusting Bolt (14mm??) to gain slack with the belt and once you have enough the belt it will be able to slide off with easy. 

6)   Pull out the Alternator (may require some gentle rocking)

1)   Install the alternator and insert the Pivoting Bolt (14mm) and bolt it down.

2)   Install the Pivot Locking Bolt (12mm?) and thread it in most of the way

3)   Slip on the belt

4)   Now to tension it up, tighten the Pivot Adjusting Bolt (14mm?)

5)   Now tighten up the Pivot Locking Bolt (12mm?)

6)   Install the Output Wire (10mm) and the Electrical Connector

7)   Reconnect the Battery, start the engine and wala!  If it starts squealing, the belt is most likely not tight enough so stop the car right away and go back and loosen the pivot locking bolt (12mm?), tighten the pivot adjusting bolt (14mm?), and then tighten the pivot locking bolt (12mm). 

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Replace the Alternator on the 5SFE engine

Submitted by noah_tas@******.com

Revision 0
Article submitted on 20 Sep 2010
Last modified on 20 Sep 2010
Viewed 4865 times

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