What you need:

1) A mechanical boost gauge.
I'm using an Auto Meter® Ultra-Lite 2-1/16" (# 4301) comes with 6ft nylon tubing and fittings.

2) 5/16" (inner diameter) rubber tube (at least 4-inch long, mine is 1 ft.)

3) 2 Hose clamps for the rubber tube above.

4) Adapter (from any hard wear store) to connect the rubber tube to the NPT fitting (provided with the gauge)

5) Teflon sealing tape or sealing compound.


What to do:

1) Locate the vacuum/boost source behind the throttle body.

2) Remove the rubber cap. Keep it some place safe.
You might need it in the future.

3) Connect the rubber tube. Use the clamp to secure it.

4) Connect the other end of the rubber tube to the nylon tubing
(provided with the gauge). Always use Teflon sealing tape.

5) Route the nylon tube trough the fire wall.
I route it through the driver side wheel well.

6) Connect the nylon tube to the meter following the gauge instruction.
Start the engine. Check for leak. Gauge should read about 17-21 in.Hg at idle.

7) Connect the gauge light to the power source. I parallel it to the ash tray bulb.
The light will turn on with other interior lights. It can also be dimmed with the dimmer.

8 ) Drive the car and check the boost. Now, you will realize how slow the stock boost gauge is!
Stock boost is around 7-11 psi.

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How to install a mechanical boost gauge

Submitted by xxx@******.com

Revision 2
Article submitted on 8 Oct 2010
Last modified on 3 Jun 2011
Viewed 4309 times

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