#1: Loosen the wheel nuts and the drive axle nut with the car still in the ground (only loosen)

#2: Remove the drive axle nut and the give it a little push, just to make sure its loose.

#3: Remove the lower swingarm balljoint nut and give it a tap up with a hammer so it comes loose.

#4: Remove the steering tie rod nut, and give it a tap so its loose

#5: Now you can lift the wheel hub and put it to the side on top of a jack or something, ao you´ll have more room to work on the axle

#6: Cut the clamps with a cutting plier, and remove the old boot

#7: At this point i wanted to use a cone tool made specificaly to change this boot, but my boot wouldn´t stretch enough so i did the old way.
- You will need a friend! Have your friend to hod the axle against the tranny so it won´t come off(Circle in orange) Give a strong and swift tap with a hammer on the joint and it will come off. 

#8: Put the new boot in place but dont tighten it yet

#9: There is a little cicle clip at the tip of the axle, make sure its there, its what holds the joint in place. Now align the spline and put the joint back in, Make sure its aligned and tap till its secure!

#10: Put the boot in place and tighten the smaller clamp

#11: Now the dirty part. Insert the grease, You dont want it randomly inside the boot, its suposed to be inside the joint, so i covered the bottom part, put in some grease, and with my fingers pressed it into the joint. Make sure its well greased.

#12: Now tighten the big clamp on place and youre done. Reassemble in the inverse order

#13: Give it a good wash and dont forget to really tighten the axle nut (132 ft/lbs), the axle has dent on it, you have to dent the nut into the axle dent so it will never come off

Youre good to go

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How to replace the drive axle boot

Submitted by xxx@******.com

Revision 0
Article submitted on 19 Dec 2012
Viewed 3366 times

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