So my front and rear motor are giving out. The poor little stock mounts just cant hold up. Soooo I did what anyone would do. I searched for some nice new solid motor mounts..........$400.00 dollars. WTF. um no. So here is my DIY solid motor mounts Total cost $32.00

Things needed:

  • card board
  • razor blades
  • duct tape
  • Devon Flexane 94 or 80 (can be puchased on line or at Granger) I used 94
  • Stock motor mounts

Stock worn out motor mounts.....make sure they are clean. I sprayed them down with some brake cleaner

Once they are clean make a cardboard cut out of one side of the mount and cut out the mounting pin. Then tape it off real good. You want to basicly seal up the entire one side. I used duct tape

Once that is done Mix your Devon Flexane following the instructions and pour in to motor mounts slowly to alow bubbles to rise. 

now let dry for 4 hours before moving. Let dry for 48 hours before re-installing to car

Finished product

there are 2 types of devon flexane. Devon 94 and devon 80. the devon 94 is solid as hell. its the stuff they make hocky pucks out of. the 80 has more flex to it. It will be more solid then stock but still have some room for vibration dampning. 


Again Total cost to me $32.

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DIY motor mounts!

Submitted by xxx@******.com

Revision 0
Article submitted on 4 Jul 2013
Viewed 3382 times

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