This is a process that I've used on my last two or three window tracks that I've replaced, and it appears to have been sucessful so far. The window tracks are easily broken from repeatedly slamming the door. Breakage occurs most commonly on the driver side of a Coupe due to the size of the window and door. Chances are.. if you've had your car long enough you have had to replace one of these or have a broken one currently. This tutorial will only work on a track guide that is not broken. They are made from cheap potmetal and there is no way to easily fix the breakage. This will hopefully help prevent future breakage on your new (or currently unbroken tracks). 1. Remove the metal slider from the track. This requires bending down one of the tabs on the end of the track so you can easily slide it off. It might work best to bend the top one down, but you will also need to remove that stopper piece. 2. What we are going to do is take a epoxy or a metal filler that will bond to the pot metal piece and strengthen it. I've been using JB Weld... because it is a metal epoxy and will hold things strongly. 3. Mix the JB Weld using the instructions on the packaging, and mix well. Use a paper plate and something for mixing like a popsicle stick. 4. Carefully transfer the mixed JB Weld to the slider in all the spots, except for the ones where the bolts go. The JB Weld will settle due to gravity.. so keep the piece flat. The JB Weld will flatten out and fill in the whole space. Make sure NOT to get any on the white teflon parts. *This picture doesn't show it.. but fill in those other areas too. The JB Weld did get on those white posts, but I was able to wipe that off. 5. Wait 15 hours for the JB Weld to fully harden. 6. Reinstall on track, and bend tab up to keep the slider on the track. 7. Put in door, and bolt window in and adjust using the window adjustment tutorial (search for it). Submitted by xxx@******.com Revision 0 Article submitted on 2 Mar 2015 Viewed 5361 times |