Modification Type:

Difficulty of Install/Modification:

Preparation And Install Time:
30 min

Let's get to it.  This is just an alternator install so for those of you who are new two the car thing, relax and follow.  Below is the alternator brand I went with.  Good brand.  Very reliable.

First thing's first...disconnect the battery.  Always disconnect.  The second thing we need to do is unlatch the fuse box on the left and remove the bolt on top (designated in the small circle):

Figure 1

The alternator should then be loose enough to loosen the belt from the pulley below.

Figure 2

Push the alternator towards the engine and you should be able to have access to this particular connection.  Remove the sleeve and you should see a small bolt holding the mounted wire.  Unbolt it from the alternator.

Figure 3

The next thing we need to do is remove the side connection.  Move the sleeve over.

Figure 4

After moving the sleeve, you should see a small tab you can hold on to make the removal of the connection easier.

Figure 5

Once you remove both of the connections, your alternator should look lonely like this...

Figure 6

Once you have the wires cleared, all but a single bolt is what keeps us from pulling out the old alternator.  Also, don't forget to unlatch the fuse box out of the way so you have an easier time to take out the alternator.

Figure 7

Here are now the comparisons of the old vs. the new.

Figure 8 (top view)

Figure 9 (side view old)

Figure 10 (side view new)

Figure 11 (another view)

From here installing will be a breeze.  All you need to make sure is that you do not overtighten the belt (or make it too loose) on the alternator pulley when you bolt the alternator back on.
Figure 12

Make sure you have the sleeves in all the way to protect the wires from the heat of the headers or the manifold.

Figure 13

I went further and just added some tape to the wires.  I suggest you do the same.

Figure 14

Other than reconnecting the battery.  That's it!  Now your car is working again!


-End of Article-

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