Well my parts have finally arrived from 1sttoyota 

Got myself a Reman steering rack, HP hose and LP hose and 2 outter tie rods

Also while im working on it ill be replacing
Valve cover gasket , sparkplug grommets, and Cap&Rotor

Ill update this thread as I go along, but for now my car sits under some snow soo have to wait on mother nature to get off her ass and get me some sunshine to get her in the garage and start the tear down 

A lil bit of spillage

Hmm me thinks they should use a bigger box :lolhittin

And all the other goodies 

Made some more progress today... got the car jacked up tires off, all the underbody covers off, both suspension cross members, then up top the my intake and charcoal canister soo i have more access to the steering gear 

ahh look at all the room with all the crap out of the way

Hmmm i feel like ive been here before haha..i can pre much take these off blindfolded now..
Hmmm leaking much ?

Popped both tierods off

And then I found it alot easier to get the bolt on the universal joint threw the hole in the wheel well, rather then from up top

In order to get a larger wrench in there i had to pop off the fuel line to the fuel filter

and then even with a farly large wrench a pipe defeintly came in handy to crack loose those hard line fittings

No pics of the bolts that hold the rack on as its to cramped under the car, but they are fairly easy to get to, just the driver side upper bolt on the rack is a lil bit of a pain..
Also dont forget to unbolt the one 10mm bolt that holds a bracket for the hardlines to the rack..

Heres the engine mount bracket i forgot to take off the tranny the first time I tried to get the rack out...my bad haha

Heres the ole girl finally out of the engine bay

As per the warrenty info, your suppose to drain the old fluid out threw a paper towel to see if theres any metal particals..of which there was None for me

Took the Pump off to install the new hoses...It may be possible to do it while its on the car, but for the ease of 2 bolts and 2 vac lines its MUCH easier to put them on with the pump off the engine

And Heres the shinny new one waiting to go in with some new tierods to go along with it

This took me a couple of days to complete, as the car was off the road and no need to rush, but im sure you could get this done in a solid day or easliy a weekend..
Its not that hard to do just time consuming with all the crap you have to take off to actually get at the rack
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Submitted by xxx@******.com

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Article submitted on 30 Mar 2010
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