Mod: Short Throw (Short Shifter)

Modification Type:

Difficulty of Install/Modification:

Preparation And Install Time:
3 hrs

Let's get right to it.  First, unscrew the shift knob, then take out the console cover and shift boot.  The cover and the boot should then reveal your schtick in all its naked glory.

 (This is actually the picture of the short shifter as reference since it looks almost the same as the stock one...except that it is well....short)  Anyway.  This is what it supposed to look like when you take out the shift knob and covers.

Figure 1A

From here, make sure the stick is set to third gear. With third gear set, it will be easy to unbolt three bolts and unclip the control rods from shift console.  You should then get this errie empty look....
Figure 1B


When you do finally free up the stock shift throw, you will need to do three things.  (see pic below)

  1. Remove the Shift Corrector (the black cresent thing attached to the shifter).  You will not need it.  It's used to properly sync the control rods with the transaxle but since we're using a shorter throw...we won't need it.  It's usually covered in grease.  I just sliced it to death with my Dremel kit.
  2. Make sure you do not lose the little plastic cover on the bottom of the stock throw.  It has a little hole in it so that you can poke a strong nail and just hammer the throw from the plastic thingy.
  3. See Figure 1D

Figure 1C (comparing the two shift throws)


(You will then have to get the stock throw off the plastic cradle thing which sits inside the actual shifter assembly.  Get it out of the assembly and carefully mallet the stock throw from the plastic cradle using a table vice grip or place it between to sturdy tables and mallet away (not a good recommendation).  Witness the mayhem below...

Figure 1D

Figure 1E (the various tools used)

If you are successful, reassemble the shift assembly and you should have a pretty looking thing like this

Figure 1F

Once you bolt everything back into should look exactly like Figure 1A.  Make sure the plastic on the bottom of the new shift throw is NOT loose.  It should be tightly stuck on there with a bit of grease on it.  So when you attach the control rods back to the assembly, it shouldn't move too much...otherwise prepare for a mis-shift-a-thon.  So...there you have it.  The final result. 


Hopefully, if you're like me...your shift knob should be pretty small too.  Otherwise it'll be hitting the cup holders like before (which defeats the purpose of this mod in the first place!!).

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Submitted by xxx@******.com

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Article submitted on 30 Mar 2010
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