Modification Type:

Difficulty of Install/Modification:

Preparation And Install Time:
1 hr

Why the E-Brake?  You're an idiot!  What is the purpose of changing that?

Coupled with problems on the e-brake sensor during slight movements of the car (i.e. accelleration, stopping, etc.), I've decided to replace the entire e-brake assembly.  In addition to after redoing the console/dash interior with a different color, the e-brake left a little to be desired.  It was dirty and it was grey...while the interior was black. can imagine what that must look like to see something grey stick out of something that is black. 'Nuff said.  Anyway here are the pics...

It should be easy.  When you're removing the center console, just look for the screws inside the console arm rest and the sides.  The screws maybe covered with screw caps.  Remove the center console and you should see this ugly thing. 

ONE VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:  Make sure your car is on flat ground. You might find this very obvious when you disassemble the unit from the car and the brake wire. haha.  Imagine seeing yourself in the car while its rolling to its death while you're working on its next mod.

After unbolting the e-brake the wire will still be attached to it.  You may have to carefully pry out a piece of the older ebrake using a flat screwdriver and you may also want to loosen the bolt wire(?) The bolt that directly bolts to the well...uh...wire. .  See below.  Note the tiny two beveled buttons on the left side of the pic.  That is the celica's sensitive e-brake sensor.

Here are the comparisons or my old verses the new. 

Of the reverse when installing.  When you put everything should look pretty like this...

With the e-brake assembly replaced, I was also able to prevent the dashboard brake light from fluctuating like crazy.  I've helped some other fellow celica 5th genners on this little problem and most have solved it by tightening down their e-brake assembly bolts.  This problem usually surfaces for those who repeatedly use the e-brake frequently or just abuse it for pointless street sliding (or fake drifting).

-End Of Article-

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Article submitted on 30 Mar 2010
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