Modification Type:
Appearance Only

Difficulty of Install/Modification:
Easy & Fun

Preparation And Install Time:
10 min (if installing only)
3 hrs (if painting and installing)
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Another appearance modification article.  Modifications can be pretty quick.  This is one of them.  I grabbed the Aero Razo Wipers from japantown in SF.  They're very good wipers.  Be careful of what you ask for when they recommend sizes.  I ended up with these pairs.

I ended up finding out that they were too long

So, I ended up getting the correct ones.  Make sure you bring your stock one just in case the sales people argue with you.

Anyway, I'll try to make this short but sweet.  Here are the pre-assembled pieces of the wiper...

And here it is when it's assembled (see pic below).  Just following the pictures.  Even though they're in should be able to figure it out:

Removing the stock wipers is easy.  Just remove the cover:

Then remove the bolt and the wiper itself...

As you can see...the paint is badly damaged.  It is usually typical to see this sort of wear and tear from a 10 year old car anyway...

So..I ended up sanding the thing down...

The wipers should closely resemble something like this when your done sanding...Of course, you can take the whole thing to another level and actually sand all of the previous coat off.

Then I begin the actual painting.  Here is one angle of the paint job...

And here's another.  Don't forget to remember which side goes where when you put them back.  If you do forget.  Look closely at the wipers bolt areas.  You should faintly see a beveled letter (even when painted) usually marked "D" for driver's side and "P" for passenger.

You should be able to see it in this pic below...

Of course after more than adequete drying's the final assembled pic on the car itself.  Adjust to your taste accordingly.

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Submitted by xxx@******.com

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Article submitted on 30 Mar 2010
Viewed 3911 times

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