Here's the list of codes, hope it helps. It's easier than looking them up each time... p0016- crankshaft/camshaft timing misalignment p0031- o2 sensor 1/1 heater circuit low p0037- o2 sensor 1/2 heater circuit low p0032- o2 sensor 1/1 heater circuit high p0038- o2 sensor 1/2 heater circuit high p0033- surge valve solenoid circuit p0068- mainfold pressure/throttle position correlation- high flow/vacuum leak p0070- ambient temp sensor stuck p0071- ambient temp sensor performance p0072 ambient temp sensor low p0073 ambient temp sensor high p0106- map sensor performance p0107- map sensor low p0108 -map sensor high p0110 -intake air temp sensor stuck p0111- intake air temp sensor performance p0112- intake air temp sensor low p0113- intake air temp sensor high p0116- engine coolant temp performance p0117- engine coolant temp low p0118- engine coolant temp high p0121- throttle position sensor #1 performance p0122- throttle position sensor #1 low p0123- throttle position sensor #1 high p0125- insufficient coolant temp for closed loop fuel control p0128- thermostat rationality p0129- barometric pressure out of range low p0131- o2 sensor 1/1 voltage low p0137- o2 sensor 1/2 voltage low p0132- o2 sensor 1/1 voltage high p0138- o2 sensor 1/2 voltage high p0133- o2 sensor 1/1 slow response p0139- o2 sensor 1/2 slow response p0135- o2 sensor 1/1 heater performance p0141- o2 sensor 1/2 heater performance p0171- fuel system 1/1 lean p0172- fuel system 1/1 rich p0201- fuel injector #1 p0202- fuel injector #2 p0203- fuel injector #3 p0204- fuel injector #4 p0234- overboost performance p1106- baro solenoid performance p1188- tip sensor performance p0243- wastegate solenoid circuit p0300- multiple cylinder misfire p0301- cylinder #1 misfire p0302- cylinder #2 misfire p0303- cylinder #3 misfire p0304- cylinder #4 misfire p0315- no crank sensor learned p0325- knock sensor #1 circuit p0335- crankshaft position sensor circuit p0339- crankshaft position sensor intermittent p0340- camshaft position sensor circuit p0344- camshaft position sensor intermittent p0351- ignition coil #1 circuit p0352- ignition coil #2 circuit p0420- catalytic 1/1 efficiency p0440- general evap system failure p0441- evap purge system performance p0442- evap system medium leak p0455- evap system large leak p0443- evap purge solenoid circuit p0452- nvld pressure switch sense circuit low p0453- nvld pressure switch sense circuit high p0456- evap system small leak p0461- fuel level sensor #1 performance p0462- fuel level sensor #1 low p0463- fuel level sensor #1 high p0480- cooling fan 1 control circuit p0481- cooling fan 2 control circuit p0498- nvld canister vent valve solenoid circuit low p0499- nvld canister vent valve solenoid circuit high p0501- vehicle speed sensor #1 performance(manual trans) p0506- idle speed low performance p0507- idle speed high performance p0519- idle speed performance p0508- iac valve sense circuit low p0509- iac vavle sense circuit high p0513 invalid skim key p0516- battery temp sensor low p0517- battery temp sensor high p0522- oil pressure sensor low p0551- power steering switch performance p0562- battery voltage low p0563- battery voltage high p0600- serial communication link p0601- internal memory checksum invalid p0622- generator field control circuit p0627- fuel pump relay circuit p0630- vin not programmed in pcm p0632- odometer not programmed in pcm p0633- skim key not programmed in pcm p0645- a/c clutch relay circuit p0685- asd relay control circuit p0688- asd relay sense circuit low p0703- brake switch #2 circuit p0833- clutch released switch circuit p1105- tip sensor solenoid circuit p1189- tip sensor circuit low p1190- tip sensor circuit high p1602- pcm not programmed p1603- pcm internal dual-port ram communication p1604- pcm internal dual=port ram read/write integrity failure p1607- pcm internal shutdown timer rationality p1681- no fuel level bus message p1686- no skim bus messages p1687- no cluster bus messages p1696- eeprom memory write denied/invalid p1697- emr (sri) mileage not stored p1854- tip baro out of range p2302- igniton coil #1 secondary circuit-insufficient ionization p2305- igniton coil #2 secondary circuit-insufficient ionization p2503- charging system voltage low
List of codes; easier than looking it up each time
Submitted by xxx@******.com Revision 0 Article submitted on 1 Mar 2015 Viewed 3687 times |