SUBJECT: Creak/Rattle From Front Foot Well
NO: 23-47-97
DATE: Sep. 26,1997:
MODELS: 1995- 1997 (PL) Neon
Creak/rattle from driver or passenger front foot well. The creak/rattle is more pronounced overbumps.
Drive the vehicle over a bumpy road and listen for a creak/rattle in the foot well area. If creak/rattle is heard proceed with the repair procedure on the side that the noise is heard. If the side the creak/rattle is coming from cannot be determined by sound, torque each Crossmember bolt to 163 Nm (120 ft Ibs). If the bolt was at 163Nm (120 ft.lbs), the torque is acceptable and no further action is needed on that side. If the torque was not at 163 Nm (120ft. Ibs), proceed to the Repair Procedure.
AR(1) 05011650AA Crossmember Bolt/Nut Repair Kit (Right)
AR(1) 05011651AA Crossmember Bolt/Nut Repair Kit (Left)
Each kit will include one of the following components:
Cage Nut, Crossmember
Bolt, Crossmember
Mastic Patch
Drain Plug
Access Hole Template
This bulletin involves drilling an access hole to replace the cross member bolt and cage nut,then sealing the access hole.

1. Raise vehicle to gain access to the cross member bolt.
2. Remove the cross member bolt.
3. Lower the vehicle and open the door.
4. Slide the seat to the full rearward position. Remove the floor mat if so equipped.
5. Remove the scuff plate and kick panel.
6. Pull the carpet and pad away to access the floor.
7. Prop the clutch and brake pedal to make room for drilling (drivers side only).
8. Insert the template, mark and center punch the floor pan (Figure 1).
9. Using a drill and 70mm (2 3/4 ") Dia hole saw, drill in the floor to access the cage nut.
10. Pry up on the cage surrounding the nut and slide the nut out. Insert the new nut and bend the cage back into position to secure the nut.
12. Raise the vehicle and install the new bolt, torque to 163 Nm (120 ft. Ibs.)
13. Lower the vehicle and vacuum all drill shavings.
14. Install the drain hole plug into the hole in the floor. Use a heat gun to seal the plug to the floor.
15. Center the mastic patch over the drain hole plug and install (Figure 2).

To install, remove backing paper and apply firm even pressure across the entire patch to seal.
16. Position pad and carpet into proper location.
17. Remove prop holding brake and clutch pedal if applied.
18. Install the scuff plate and kick panel.
19. Install floor mat and reposition seat.
20. Repeat procedure for other side if needed.
POLICY: Reimbursable within the provisions of the warranty.

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